
Improving maths education in England and retaining a high-quality workforce

The NCETM was established in 2006, and is funded by the Department for Education. In order to improve maths education in England and to retain a high-quality workforce, it is important that all teachers of maths in all phases have access to outstanding subject-specific CPD. The NCETM was set up to provide this, and now offers over 30 CPD projects, as well as a wealth of resources and guidance.

Its remit is to provide maths-specific professional development for anyone who teaches maths in England, particularly through coordination of the Maths Hubs Programme. With an aim to raise levels of achievement in maths, and increase appreciation of the power and wonder of maths, the NCETM works with individuals, schools and multi-academy trusts to equip teachers with the skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs effectively.

To date, over 4.7 million pupils have been impacted by the work of the NCETM, and over 50% of all schools in England have engaged with their local Maths Hub. Etio supports the NCETM to ensure its impact is wide-reaching, and that as many teachers and pupils as possible can benefit from its work.

All the professional development offered by the NCETM is research-based and led by expert practitioners. It puts teachers and their needs at the heart of its work. CPD projects currently available have been developed in response to national and local need. They range from programmes to develop the subject knowledge and pedagogy of Early Years teachers, to projects to develop leaders within and across schools and trusts, to programmes supporting those teaching maths at Level 3. All phases are catered for, and teachers can access CPD both online and face-to-face.

Teaching for mastery is the approach that the NCETM advocates for all schools. Children’s chances of success are maximised if they develop deep and lasting understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts, and mastery involves all pupils developing this deep understanding of the maths they are learning. It is the approach that underpins the professional learning that takes place for participants in all CPD projects. In 2022/23, over 8,000 schools were involved in the Teaching for Mastery Programme.

A stated public ambition of the NCETM is for 75% or primary schools and 65% of secondary schools to have participated in a teaching for mastery programme by 2025. In conjunction with the work of the Maths Hubs, the NCETM is currently on track to achieve this aim.

"The work of the NCETM and the Maths Hubs Programme has already supported thousands of teachers across England to develop their subject knowledge and pedagogy in maths. Through our range of professional development programmes and associated materials, we are helping to build and maintain a workforce of passionate and skilled teachers, in order to provide high-quality maths education for all pupils in England."

      - Sue Madgwick, NCETM Deputy Director


What do participants say about taking part in CPD with the NCETM?

‘I have enjoyed every part of this training’
 - Participant in Primary Mastery Specialist Programme

‘The impact of this will stay with me for a long time’
 - Participant in Professional Development Lead Programme

‘Another great year of unique support from this fantastic organisation!’
 - Participant in Secondary Maths MAT Leads Programme

‘I learn so much from every school I work with’
 - Local leader of mathematics education (LLME)

100% of participants would recommend it to a colleague
 - Feedback from Secondary Mastery Specialist Programme 2023


Find out more about implementing a national approach to mathematics teaching and the lessons learned from the NCETM approach:

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