
Etio’s Multiply education research trials launch 

Etio’s Multiply education research trials have launched a research initiative to determine what works best in adult numeracy. The research trials are designed to identify effective strategies and interventions to help adults improve their numeracy skills. The trials are being conducted in partnership with organisations such as Campaign for Learning, Education and Training Foundation, IPSOS UK and King’s College London. 

Three of the Multiply education research trials will be launching this September 2024

  • Preparation for GCSE mathematics: this trial has been developed to test the hypothesis that learners who are explicitly taught studying and revision skills relevant to Maths will be better prepared for the additional work that comes with a Maths GCSE. The trail will determine if learners are more likely to have better outcomes (such as course completion and achievement of Maths GCSE) than those who do not have this preparation.   
  • An adapted mastery approach and contextualised curriculum for functional skills qualification level 1: this trial will use two embedded approaches for teachers to develop new teaching practices, building on adult learners’ natural intuitions and experiences to connect with Maths. 
  • Embedding maths in health and social care level 2 course : this trial is designed to introduce concepts, build skills and confidence, and competence in maths through an embedded approach to the delivery of vocationally related maths in a Health and Social Care (H&SC) Course.  

An evidence-base to maximise Maths attainment impact 

The Multiply education research trials will help carve out a pathway to a more effective adult numeracy teaching landscape. The research and evidence gathered from these trials will be used to determine the most effective strategies to engage learners and teach adult numeracy skills. By grounding interventions in evidence, policymakers, educators and practitioners can maximise the impact of numeracy programmes and ensure resources are utilised efficiently. 

Etio will be launching further Multiply education research trials from January 2025, including a Family Numeracy Programme.This trial will be a family learning numeracy programme for adults and children in Key Stage 1 Year 2, to build maths confidence and understanding together. The programme is designed to introduce concepts, build skills and confidence in maths for adult learners. 

This approach is a series of structured, in-person group, learning sessions designed for adults and their children to bolster both numeracy learning and family learning.  The sessions align learning outcomes from KS1 children (Yr2) with Level 1 functional skills. 

Join the Multiply Family Numeracy Trial

Applications for the Family Numeracy Programme trial are still open, so if you are a family learning provider or primary school please do get in touch. 

You can register your interest, or get further information here. 

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